• QUANDO: 22 - 30 Novembre 2014
  • DOVE: San Lorenzo de El Escorial, SPAGNA
  • ETA’: 17-24 anni


La disoccupazione, i giovani come risorsa, nuove tecnologie: tematiche affrontate attraverso l’arte e la tecnologia, video e blog.

Il progetto rientra nell’ambito di “Gioventù in azione”, programma europeo di educazione non formale, che promuove progetti di mobilità internazionale dedicati ai giovani dai 13 ai 30 anni, attraverso scambi ed attività di volontariato all’estero.

Di seguito un breve estratto del progetto:

Let’s do it – Youth Exchange, is a Multilateral project, that a group of young people between 17 and 24 years old, from Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain, we have proposed to develop. Let’s do it – Youth Exchange, is a proposal with which, we seek to learn and participate, around the current challenges facing young people deal with the alarming situation of unemployment, while we investigate and develop actions go against all kinds of attitudes Social Exclusion.

The topics will be addressed from a constructive criticism, focusing on the role that we should take the young people facing this situation and we’ll work through artistic expression and technology, using resources as VIDEO AND BLOG.

The exchange will take place in November, from 22nd to 30th, 2014, in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, doing an activity in Madrid and also a cultural visit in Toledo city. Participants, who will take part in this project, are seven young and one leader per country. Some aspects of the methodology are that it will be active youth participation, gender equity, multicultural, and organizational/coordination shared.

We hope and wish that some of the aims of the project will result in:

  • Networking, cooperation and teamwork
  • Confidence to take industrial action in partnership with young people at national and international level
  • Promotion and dissemination of individual and collective capabilities using the tools learned from the project
  • Establishing relationships with government agencies supporting youth and the general population
  • Expression of learning as new concrete projects in the short medium and long term.

Nella pagina seguente obiettivi e condizioni di viaggio.


General Information


a) Youth unemployment

b) New Technologies

c) Social Inclusion


  • Find and discuss alternatives to youth unemployment we could find as youth and youth organizations
  • Contribute to the development of global consciousness (our and our associative environments), about the importance of overcoming social prejudices in the European region.
  • Learn and develop skills to work in partnership with other youth
  • Discover, learn and apply (digital and visual) technological tools for youth work
  • Share, by developing activities on the five cultures in the exchange, important aspects of our European identity, to learn from each other
  • Establish a forum for exchange of views, open to debate and the proposal, both physical (during exchange) and digital (after exchange), leveraging social networks.
  • Share and learn from each other, about the social work we do in our towns
  • Expand the themes worked into the collective
  • Develop skills for work and project development



  • Integration
  • Icebreakers
  • Night games
  • Presentations:
  • General presentation of the project
  • Presentation of each association (about your entities)
  • Unemployment situation and social exclusion in each country (prepared for each country)

Let’s do it – Youth Exchange Project INFO-PACK


Presentation of cultures (during typical nights)


  • Making videos
  • Street Interviews (in Madrid and Toledo)
  • City game in Madrid
  • Individual and collective activities:
  • T-shirt workshop
  • Discussion about youth unemployment
  • Partial and final evaluation
  • Future activities brainstorming
  • Erasmus+ and Youthpass working


Youth exchange will develop in Fuentenueva Youth Hostel, located in San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Also, we’ll make some activities in other places: San Lorenzo de El Escorial Town; Toledo city and Madrid City.

Condizioni economiche

  • Vitto e alloggio è coperto al 100% dall’associazione
  • 100% del costo dei biglietti sarà pagato dall’associazione ospitante entro un massimo di 170 euro, l’extra 170 è a carico del partecipante
  • altre spese al carico del volontario: quota associativa annuale a JUMPIN 70 euro.


Il rimborso dei biglietti avverrà a seguito della presentazione dei giustificativi di viaggio.

Ragazzi è assolutamente importante che conserviate tutti i giustificativi di viaggio e le boarding pass dei voli aerei cosi come i biglietti dei treni o bus perché devono essere consegnati all’associazione non appena arrivati. Allo stesso modo, al vostro ritorno in Italia, ognuno di voi dovrà prima scansionare i giustificativi di viaggio e inviarli all’indirizzo che i responsabili vi indicheranno.

Se siete davvero interessati alle tematiche del progetto, potete candidarvi inviando l’application form all’indirizzo mail:  selezionejumpin@hotmail.it

Per qualsiasi informazione aggiuntiva chiamare il numero 3336583214 (dal momento che rispondiamo quotidianamente alle mail, data la grande mole di candidature, vi chiediamo di contattarci prima via mail e in caso di mancata risposta entro 2 giorni di contattarci via cellulare)

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